印尼北干巴鲁慈行学校初中部汉语课网络教学现状调查研究 (A Study on Current Situation of Pekanbaru Metta Maitreya Junior High School's Online Chinese Class)
摘要:新冠状病毒疫情“逼”了印尼学校进行网络远程教学,北干巴鲁慈行学校初中部也不例外。为了解印尼北干巴鲁慈行学校初中部的汉语课网络教学,本文通过文献调查、实地观察法、问卷调查法和访谈调查法分析该校汉语网络教学。印尼北干巴鲁慈行学校初中部主要用ZOOM会议和谷歌课堂两种平台进行教学。汉语教师使用 “传递——接受式” 教学模式进行网络教学。教师一般使用讲解加问答法、讲故事法、翻译法、写作法、练习法和趣味教学法进行教学活动。调查中也发现,通过网络进行教学也影响学生学习的态度和学习效果,比如:学生的注意力难以集中、学生很难跟老师沟通、学生更消极等。因此本文推荐两种教学模式,综合教学模式和交互式教学模式。
关键词: 慈行学校;汉语课;网络教学
Abstract: The Covid-19 pandemic has forced schools in Indonesia to engage in online distance education, including Metta Maitreya Junior High School in Pekanbaru. In order to understand the online teaching of Chinese language lesson in Metta Maitreya Junior High School, Pekanbaru, Indonesia, this study analyzed the online teaching of Chinese language lesson through literature research, field investigation, questionnaire survey and interview investigation. Metta Maitreya Junior High School, Pekanbaru, Indonesia, mainly uses two platforms, Zoom Meetings and Google Classroom, for teaching. In the online learning, Chinese teachers use the “Take and Give” teaching model. Teachers generally used lecture plus question-and-answer method, storytelling method, translation method, writing method, practice method and fun teaching method to conduct teaching activities. The study also found that teaching through the Internet also affects students’ learning attitudes and learning result, for example: students difficult to concentrate, students difficult to communicate with teachers, students become more passive, etc. Therefore, this study recommends two teaching models, the comprehensive teaching model and the interactive teaching model.
Keywords: Metta Maitreya School; Chinese Language Lesson; Online Teaching
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.36279/apsmi.v6i2.161
DOI (PDF (简体中文)): http://dx.doi.org/10.36279/apsmi.v6i2.161.g142
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