汉语水平考试居家考试与纸笔考试和现场机考成绩比较研究 ——以印尼泗水考点为例
新冠肺炎疫情期间,汉考国际实行HSK 居家网络考试。2020 年5 月,印尼泗水HSK
关键词: HSK;HSK 居家考试;HSK 成绩;泗水考点
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Chinese Testing International implemented HSK Home
Edition. In May 2020, the HSK test center in Surabaya, Indonesia also began to hold home
edition tests. At present, there are very few studies on HSK Home Edition, and considering the
reliability of HSK Home Edition, it is necessary to study the scores of HSK Home Edition,
especially the comparison with paper-based test scores. Because the scores of the
paper-based test and the on-site computer-based test are also different, and currently these
three forms of HSK are all used, this study compares the scores of HSK Home Edition with
paper-based and on-site computer-based HSK at the Surabaya test center. Statistics show that
the scores of HSK (Level 1) to (Level 3) paper-based tests and on-site computer-based tests
are basically higher than that of Home Edition. On the contrary, the scores of the HSK (Level
4) to (Level 6) Home Edition are basically higher than those of the paper-based test and the
on-site computer-based test. HSK Home Edition reliability is affected by several factors,
namely testing location, participant groups, proctoring effectiveness, and testing environmentKeywords: HSK; HSK Home Edition; HSK score; Surabaya test center
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PDF (简体中文)References
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.36279/apsmi.v6i2.209
DOI (PDF (简体中文)): http://dx.doi.org/10.36279/apsmi.v6i2.209.g114
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